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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Family Finances

Balancing the numbers

As part of the daily routine mothers become the accountants in most families, they aim to balance the finances of the household. This has become necessary as difficult economic times have continued to increase the cost of living in our society today.

Families should follow some guidelines like
  1. Drawing up a budget and following it.
  2. Pay attention to purchasing items that are needs and not wants
  3. Reduce credit card and online purchases
  4. No impulse buying, make detailed lists of purchases and stay with them.
With talks of recessionary periods that may follow it is a good idea to increase savings and reduce spending.

Lets be wise mummy's .....

Image result for images of a mother preparing her monthly budget


For the busy ladies us aunts, mothers and just girlfriends coming together for that biggest loser challenge makes the journey easy. The start is usually the hardest part of the task. As a part of the task proper planning must take place.

Some tips for the hectic days ahead.

  1. Schedule your workouts
  2. Become a morning exerciser
  3. Track calories
  4. Plan and pack lunches
  5. Keep healthy breakfast foods at work

Remember the journey may begin with pain and difficulty but it will be worth it in the end

Image result for pictures of busy mothers exercises

The eating healthy challenge

The healthy plate

I have learnt over time that a healthy plate creates a happy body. When you take charge over , what and how much goes in your body your are rewarded with a great feeling. No more misery , no more stuffed .

Another advantage to portion control is that it helps ,control your calorie intake with little thought. One of my goals this year is to lose those pounds by following portion control and choosing real foods.

Image result for pictures of proper food portions

Monday, 10 October 2016

Should all mothers get to work from home?

Social Life

With just three months leave that goes by really quick , I am in support of working mothers , who can do their jobs while at home. Send us the updates and email correspondence, The deadlines for the projects . It can include occasional presentations but the hours from the home office will definitely be more than those at the company meeting room.

Image result for images of working mothers at home

Too busy to eat healthy

Health and Fitness

Its called fast food ; its quick and easy to grab on the go.  So many mothers can admit there are those days when cooking is  just not going to happen. We grab whatever is availbale with little focus on the calorie content . The entire family , those picky eaters who cant cook but make so many demands.  Mummy pizza , burgers you name it they want it. Right there and then we forget about the salads and the shake. Just not happening today.  Pay attention to the fats and oils it should not be overdone . The results can only lead to obesity, and other major health challenges. 

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Move More , Sit Less

Health and Fitness

Many of us do a lot more sitting at our desks, in our cars and so much more on that living room couch with the TV remote. It's more convenient to drive or send an email from the comfort of the office many will agree.  Lets begin walking out to pick up lunch or dropping of those documents to the Supervisor . The staircase should not be used in case of emergencies only, the cardio is going to be worth it , oh and the calorie burn! . Try it today.

Image result for images of stairs walking at work for exercise

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Fitness for busy mothers

Health and fitness

Many parents today particulary mothers , continue to struggle to incorporate an exercise schedule into their busy lives. After the regular 8-4pm , after school pick up , homework, food preparation and the list of chores. Getting time to workout becomes difficult.  It is recommended however that time is made to engage in at a least 30- 45 minutes routine to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Without exercise we are putting ourselves at risk to develop diseases that are really born from our lifestyle. So keeping healthy ladies . We can do this !

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Children and Video Games

                        Video Game Dicipline

Its important for parents to remember that the world is becoming digital and the video games, tablets and computers are consuming our children, Just how much is too many hours of gaming time? While it may keep the little ones quiet and sometimes focused. There should be limitations as to what is an acceptable amount of hours of playtime. Those Friday's when they ask to stay up later because its the weekend.  As parents we must set boundaries to keep our children diciplined.

Image result for images of a children playing video games

Fashionable mummy

 Dressing the Part

With today's hectic lifetstyle getting dressed up can be more of a task than the norm. The latest craze , those lovely pumps on clearance.... As women we need to find time to get dressed up and  get out of the house. Window shopping or a four hour shopping trip to the mall is just what a busy mother needs ...Retail Therapy . The best medicine. A busy life sometimes result in women settling for whats easily available or convenient. Its time to treat yourselves to a quarterly shopping trip and keep ourselves healthy.
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Managing kids and the home

Work Life and Balance

Hi folks, welcome to the untold stories of a working mother , who has to remain in sound mind while juggling everyday with responsibilities such as work, school and family. She is called upon to take on many tasks with no break times and rest periods. We salute you ladies that find time to where all the hats . While it is a daily challenge the rewards and benefits of the sacrifice will pay off.

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working mother with daughter

Mummy wants to jet away

Enjoying a "real" holiday

Today I sat down and wondered how can I enjoy a real vacation? Was that even possible. Our trip to the Universal Studios in October 2015 was really wonderful. This year I wanted something simple , simple like ...... can a babysitter come along and be part of the fun ? So that I could really get pampared and relax and enjoy every moment. Oh back to reality ...No! not until these little men (my sons) grow older.

Life happens and we just need to enjoy the moments we get . That long awaited, did I say well deserved vacation will be coming up soon.

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Assignment Schedule

That moment when you have to decide whether to do house chores, organise the children or get started on that Literature review that is due in a few days......How do you decide  which one can take a back seat and the other becomes priority?

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